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Short Film

Short Film







animation、theater video design


















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Fragments of a Hologram Rose_mainstills.

《 Fragments of a Hologram Rose 》


This film is a conceptual experimental video has drawn its materials from William Gibson's short story "Fragments of a Hologram Rose”. Using symbolic deconstruction, it describes the main character who is indulged in the Self hallucination after losing love, and contrasts the Boundary between the human body and the spiritual senses.

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《 有我在 》(Here I am)

2017.04.22~06.25 國立台灣美術館 202展廳「萬無引力」聯展

National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts






台灣當代一年展 Taiwan Annual.2017




2070年,地球環境惡劣,食物缺乏。 一個發生在龍南村,轟動社會的 “食鼠” 事件,引起全國人民的恐慌。 一名記者深入村子,訪問了當地居民與檢疫研究人員,想要探查事情的真相。

It is year 2070. The global environment is damaged beyond repair. The food production is in crisis. The fact that Dragon South villagers eat rats hits the frontline and panics the society. A news reporter goes deep into the village to interview the locals and the disease control officers, in the hope of revealing the truth insight.

台灣當代一年展 入選參展 2016/9/10~16 花博爭艷館


計畫主持人:曹存慧 Theresa Tsun-Hui Tsao、葛昌惠 Chang Huei Ge 參與藝術家:Su Misu、董籬、陳呈毓 Chen Chen Yu、蘇紳源、吳牧青




雖已知核能危險,但世界依舊使用核能作為電力來源。 其他發電方式雖危險性低,但或多或少仍對環境造成壓力。 與電相似,血液也對維繫人類生存甚為重要。而抽血產生的開放性傷口與血液本身,均具備感染和傳播疾病的潛在危機。所以,我們從人體中抽取血液,並在血液中放置銅或鋅片,血液中的離子與金屬片發生化學反應,產生電,使二極體燈泡發出微弱光亮。此計畫企圖凸顯人類對電能的依賴,以及,為了電,願意付出的代價與承擔的風險。

Regardless of the well-known danger of nuclear energy, the world is still using nuclear energy as an energy source. The other methods for generating electricity are not as dangerous, however, still more-or-less stress the global environment. Similar to electricity, blood is essential to our lives. The open wounds and the blood from phlebotomy have the potential to cause infections and to transfer diseases. We collected blood from human and placed copper and zinc plates into the blood. The chemical reactions among the ions in the blood and the metal plates produced electricity that was sufficient to light up a few diode bulbs. This project is to emphasize how much we rely on electricity, and what we have been and are willing to risk for the generation of electricity.

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柳葉魚樂團 - It's not my home






This 10-minute music video represents the public rage towards Taiwan’sdemocracy and the increasing civic awareness.

In spring 2014, the first civic occupational movement against government occurred.

Groups consisting mainly of students and citizens surrounded governmental institutes, occupied parliament, and demanded the government to make the negotiation procedure of the trade pact transparent and public.

This particular chaos shocked Taiwanese society, directing the attention of many Taiwanese who have never engaged with politics to their very own socioeconomic environment. This video signifies the process of the sleeping public waking up and joining protests.

This video utilizes actors’ physical and eye movements (eye contacts) and silent film method to express the transition of emotions that happened when the public strived to be free. The photos behind the actors are conflict scenes at the manifestations. By taking them off piece by piece, Taiwanese will memorize the pain and sorrow and move forward to true freedom and democracy.

/ Short Film /




《丟.棄》展演特映版本 - 12分鐘長版






The film is told in the first person and talk about one pet "Molly" in everyday life. The difference with the documentary is that the film's "Molly" is played by human. The director use the human movement and emotional expression to present helplessness and sadness of animals. The film without language and also does not emphasize that Molly is a pet. The audience will find the view of the film until the trailer. The film swap positions between humans and animals to present the absurd and sad about strays.



/ Short Film /

Lost Memory








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